Monday, September 26, 2011

What All Good Things Must Do

I'm crazy stoked and utterly deflated all at the same time.

As anyone who has ever experienced any happiness in their life knows, at some point, it must come to an end. But I must say that if I were any more excited about what's to come, I would certainly wet my pants with elated fervor.

I don't think your ready for this jelly, this plan I'm about to reveal to you (not my butt), but here it is...

On or around October 15th of this year, Arlo, Damascus, and I will be road tripping once again across the states to return to our roots in PA/NJ.

We're excited to come back, but terribly sad to leave our beloved city of Portland, OR. I won't go into all the reasons right now, but I can say I will live here again someday. The biggest thing pushing us to move along is because it's hard to see the world by sitting in one place. Which brings me to another part of the plan...


I think this would be easier to understand if I made bullet points...

  • Road trip back to PA/NJ via the southern route through the states.
  • Consume lots of pizza, Dunkin Donuts iced coffee, WaWa/Quick Chek sandwiches, cheese steaks, and other delectable, dearly missed favorites
  • Catch up with family & friends
  • Get full time jobs that pay more than $9 an hour and have OT opportunities
  • Spend more time working than sleeping/eating and make bank $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  • Work until May, and then fly to Australia with a six month work visa
  • Find work and live in Australia for 6+ months!!
  • Make more  $C$A$S$H $M$O$N$E$Y$
  • Spend cash money on exploring Europe/other parts of the world yet unseen

Anything beyond that is still a bit beyond me. We would both like to go back to college. Honestly, I can see us owning our own business someday. Like, a dinner theater or something. Who knows! There's still too much exploring to do before we start putting down some deep roots again. 

I'll go into detail later about why we're doing this, what we'll miss, what we're looking forward to, our trip itinerary, when we expect to be back, blah, blah, blah! 

So excited. 

So sad.

Closing time. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Foxes, Hoots, and Guests Abound - Good Times to Be Had All Around!

Foxes. A whole fleet of them. Good stuff.
I bought new strings for my guitar. Strung her up today and played for a nice two hours. It always feels good to lose track of time doing something you love. I miss playing a lot. Today I learned Blue Spotted Tail by Fleet Foxes. There aren't any decent tabs of it yet, so I figured it out for myself. It's simple and easy and pretty.

As promised, here's my last two three weeks...

Last weekend, a bunch of us went out to the McMenamins Grand Lodge in Forest Grove, about 40 mins outside of Portland. I've never seen a city so green, but it feels good to get out and into the countryside for a bit. The reason for our travel was to see the band Hoots & Hellmouth from Philly, PA. They were incredible. The event was free, but I'd pay good money to see them play any day. The venue was gorgeous, set outside right next to a frisbee golf course.

It was a prefect summer night. The sun had just set, and little kids were running around, climbing trees, and rolling in the grass. I reminisced of when I was in their shoes many summers passed. But this summer, I had beer in my glass. Yum. Friends and family sat by the band, tapped their feet, and basked. Some danced, some sang, but every face held a smile en masse. Perfect. If only this night could ever last.

Back a bit further, having Jesse and Erica visit from NJ was a blast. Timbers Game: hot and rowdy... they won!, Waffle Window: delicious and cheap as always, Multnomah Falls: another landmark proving Oregon's endless beauty, Tillamook Cheese Factory: I discovered that I like cheese curds! and the ice cream is out of this world, Oregon Coast: there are always these random, unmarked trails on the side of the road that lead to breathtaking vistas. they never disappoint, Bula Kava House: Hawaiian dirt water that you drink from a coconut shell. offers relaxing qualities for the consumer... that is, if you can get past the taste, PSU Farmers Market: forever a favorite. you can make an entire lunch out of free samples, and then relax and listen to your pick of live music, Mt. St Helens: this girl blew her top 31 years ago, but she's still a beaut! lots of dust (ash). reminds me of the desert in Arizona, Bagby Hot Springs: peaceful and relaxing, and it doesn't smell like sulfur, Blue Moon Tavern: IRISH CAR BOMBS! Delicious like ice cream. Pool and good times.

Last weekend, as previously stated, Arlo's dad was in town to visit. I can't even remember everything we did. It's all mushed together in my head with the prior weekend with Jesse and Erica. But I do know it was tons of fun! And Erin finally came home!!! I missed her so, so much. The house feels like a family again already. Welcome Home, Erin + Riley! :)

I can't help but spend these times, when I'm having the time of my life, thinking about how much I'll miss it all when it's gone one day. The fact that everything ends is endlessly depressing. Ohh, to have the ignorance of childhood when good things lasted forever. One day, I'll learn to shut up and enjoy.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Don't mess with my dog... really...

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARLO!!!! My boo bear is 22 today! Wish him a good one!! =)

Here's something a bit different. There are some things I hate about Portland. I don't meant to start with such negativity, but you'll soon agree and join me in the stomping of feet and clenching of fists. Arlo and I went out for his birthday breakfast this morning with his Dad who flew into town for the weekend. As per usual, we tied up the pup outside and sat near a window in the restaurant so we could keep an eye on him. Breakfast was yummy, and good stories were exchanged. We were nearly finished when Arlo happened to look out the window. His face turned white, and feet turned to action. I turned around to have my fears assured. Damascus was gone. We both shot out the door and immediately ran to where our boy was previously tied up. My god...

Rage and fright burned out my eyes and almost collected into tears. But there he was, halfway down the block... tied up to another tree??? Damascus has never pulled himself free from being tied up, or even tried to back out of his collar. He has always been exactly where we left him, waiting like a good little boy. But this obviously was not his doing... unless of course he has some opposable thumbs that he hasn't told us about. Someone took our dog, walked him down the street, and tied him in a different spot. I'm so relieved that he was perfectly fine and was not, in fact, stolen or lost. But there are some things that you don't mess with, and my dog is one of them. I don't even care if they had a legitimate reason. If they cared that much, they could have walked inside and found us before moving our dog.

Would you ever do that to someone's child? You know, just pick them up and move them down the street while the parents aren't looking and not tell anyone. I know dogs and children are two different ball parks, but your heart crumbles just the same when one of them is missing. It's not unusual for dogs to be stolen in Portland, especially purebreds and cuties. Damascus is adorable, and the possibility that someone may have stolen him was the first thing that came to mind. I'm still a bit shaken about it, but I'm just glad my boy is still here.         f*ckers...

The past two weeks have flown by as fast as the cash from my pockets. First, our friends Jesse and Erica visited for a few days from NJ, and then Arlo's Dad came for this weekend. I took a few days off to spend with our friends, but involuntarily got another four off because of some work order screw up at my job. Ughh... never thought I would complain about not working! I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the time off. I go back tomorrow, which will end the nearly two week hiatus. To make up for the time off, my Saturdays are shot for a month or so for mandatory OT. Whatever! It will be good to have money again.

I'll go into more detail later. It's too beautiful out to spend my whole day blogging!