Saturday, January 8, 2011

01/08/11 Grants Pass, OR - Portland, OR

Staying at the Super 8 in Grants Pass was quite lovely. We enjoyed Belgian waffles for breakfast, and followed that up with a dip in the hot tub. It was a nice relaxing start to our day!

Arlo is sick with a cold. =( I've been doing my best to play nurse and make sure he takes his medicine. He's still walking, talking, and eating, so I think he'll make it.

Something I meant to mention about yesterday, was when we were at McDonald's using their wi-fi for about 2 hours. There were these two cute little kids playing on the stools and chairs. They were making up their childish games about how one could do something cooler, faster, or better than the other. I remember being that young, and viewing the whole world as a playground. Anything I could climb on was something to play on. My brother and I played games like this all the time when we were younger. One of the kids started playing peek-a-boo with me, and I played along. He giggled his little head off and got his little sister into it, too. They were so happy and careless. Ahh, the good ole' days.

Oregon is a pretty cool place. I drove the 4.5 hours today and got to experience intermittent rain showers. I'm a fan of the mid-section of the state. Instead of mountains being right on top of one another, they're separated by vast, green fields full of sheep and cute little farm houses. I wouldn't want to live there, but it was just an adorable section of land. Take I-5 up from California, and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Portland is big! I didn't get to experience too much of it yet, but I think I really like it here. With no luck (yet again) on couchsurfing, we decided to stay another night at a hotel. With Arlo being sick, it was really the only reasonable option.

This quite possibly could be our new home. We've started looking for apartments and jobs. Tomorrow starts the big search. Anyone have experience with getting a place and a job at the same time? It kind of seems to me that you need one to have the other, but I don't know how to get both at the same time! I mean, I know it happens everyday, but I really don't know how. I guess this is where the unlimited knowledge source called the internet comes in handy.

Don't buy your plane tickets yet, friends! I'll be sure to update with more info as the days go by.

Is this the possible end to our cross-country adventure? It's almost as weird to think about as not living on the East Coast anymore. All of these feelings are strange and exciting! I'm not quite sure how things go from here, but I do know it's still an adventure, even if we might not be moving from town to town.

What fun!

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