Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 4: Bozeman, MT - Somewhere in Wyoming

Butte, MT is a really crazy place. It's like taking a walk back in the early 1900s when it was a booming mining town. Since then, it has been left behind by many and inhabited by few, most of which are now meth addicts. As I'm told by an old roommate of mine who grew up there, the town has never ever changed. All the brick buildings have faded adsvertisements and many are in terrible disrepair. Over half of them are uninhabited, including the spooky old hospital. I guess there's just no point in renovating buildings that no one will use.

YELLOWSTONE!!! Oh my god... it was so beautiful! It got to the point where is was really just overwhelming. Like, it got stupid to be taking as many pictures as I was. It's more of a place you just have to go see with your own eyes. I may have enjoyed it more if I didn't have a camera with me, because then I wouldn't have felt obligated to try and capture the beauty. It was a much bigger place than I imagined. I think we spent about 6 hours there. And we drove through Teton Naitonal Park right after (they're right next to each other). It's amazing how different the two parks look from one another even though they're so close. Teton was more mountainous and had beautiful poplar trees with yellow turned leaves. From there, we drove through the rest of Wyoming. We made our way through this great mountanous region as the sun was setting. Everything was covered in snow, and the valleys were full of rusty red colored bushes. The mountains themselves were striped with layers of sediment. I just wish we had another hour or two of sun light...

The night lasted long. We drove straight through. At one point, we stopped the car out in the middle of nowhere and looked up at the stars. I've never been able to see so many stars in the sky!! It was gorgeous, and then absolutely freaky. I kept imagining that some creature from The Hills Have Eyes would appear two feet from our car as soon as the head lights came back on. We hightailed it out of there!

Arlo took the first 5 hour shift of driving while I slept. In the middle of the night, I was jerked from my slumber by Arlo laying heavy on the brakes, swerving the car, and screaming, "HOLY SHIT!!!". Apparently, as we were driving through the very remote back roads of Wyoming, a big horn sheep ran into the road from the left side, and Arlo almost ruined his day. I found this kind of funny, because we were eagerly spotting and checking off animals on our yellowstone wildlife checklist. And we were disappointed that we hadn't seen a big horn during our visit. Be careful what you wish for.
Later that night while I was driving, I noticed some light in the sky off to my left. It was a giant slash of pure white light that shot from the sky to the ground. It immediately turned a bright emerald green for about 5 seconds, and then vanished into a puff of smoke in the same shape. The entire phenomenon was accompanied by a punch of sound. At first I thought it may have been fireworks, but that was the only one, and I have NEVER seen a firework like that! Sooooo, it was either a meteor falling from the sky, or Thor was crashing down to planet earth via the bi-frost. It was the absolute most incredible thing I've ever seen! I had goosebumps for 10 minutes afterward. It looked a lot like this.

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