Monday, January 23, 2012

Amazombieeeeeeeee Pirates!

This whole night shift thing is really turning me into a restless disaster. On my three days (nights?) off, I end up with this 8 hour block of time during which I can do almost nothing but sit at a computer or eat food. No one is awake, and no stores are open (except for Giant, which is nice, but one can only go food shopping so many times). I sit itching, writing to do lists, and planning out the few hours of daylight I have the next day. I sleep at odd hours - 3 hours here, 5 hours there. Nothing is allotted for a certain purpose. There is no lunch or dinner time, and no bedtime. There are the couple hours of fading daylight after I wake up, in which I cram whatever I can, and then a gradual shift into hours and hours of structureless dark.  Such is the life of a night shifter, an amazombie.

But I'm fighting it. I've already had about 3 hours of sleep tonight (this morning?), and I plan on sleeping for a few more after I finish writing this here blog post. THEN! It's thrifting time. Every so often I hit up the local thrift stores for treasure. This is really about two things: the hunt, and the booty. I've gotten much better at not buying things unless I need them, or really, truly like them a lot. But any treasure hunter will tell you the best time to buy something is when you see it. Balance is key to avoid hoarding everything you see.

I'm actually looking for a few things this time: a tripod, digital photography books, and travel books. I'll be sure to post my bounty later!

Arrrrr! Brainss!!

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