Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Best 4th of July There Ever Was - Aussie Style

One might think that celebrating independence from Great Britain while in one of her countries is a bit insulting or out of place. However, it seems Aussies are more excited about the excuse to light fireworks and drink beer than they are offended by my location-inappropriate celebrations. It just so happened to turn out as the best 4th of July ever!

I attribute much of its greatness to the spontaneity factor. Most of it was unplanned, and things just happened. Going to town that morning wasn't on my to-do list, but it ended up being both productive and relaxing. I didn't plan on grilling a BBQ for 60 people when I came back from town, but it was fun, and also my first time BBQing anything myself.

And though we did plan to set off fireworks that night, no one could have anticipated how awesome it would be.


Post-fireworks, we sat around the fire at Jim's place for a few more hours. "Shooting the shit" is probably one of the oldest past-times there are, and it's still one of the best.

Spontaneity FTW!

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